Wednesday, May 13, 2015

"One more kilo"

If you walk up to the bar thinking you won’t make the lift, you might as well not even chalk up. You lost. Go home.

Mentality is something I’ve struggled with a lot in all aspects of my lifting, I get in my own head easily and start thinking about faliure, or worrying about the next lift instead of what’s on the bar.

Something Jon has helped me a lot with is expecting to succeed. There is a huge difference between the mindset I’m used to lifting with, and how he wants me to lift.
A good example would be Ilya Ilin. When Ilya walks up to a world record attempt, he’s smiling. He’s confident. He’s made the lift already, in his head he’s already on the podium. Lu is the same way. No fear, no over thinking. Just clear and confident.

Expecting to succeed does two things. Number one it let’s you lift with cinfidence, which is everything. But it also helps when you fail. What happens when you fail something you expected to succeed in? You get a bit upset. You get mad. That’s mine, I know I can get it, I deserve it, I shouldn’t miss.

Take things personally. When the bar beats you don’t say “aw I’ll get it next time”, say “fuck you bar, imma keep coming”. First you clark it, then a week later you get under it but can’t stand, then you stand up but can’t jerk it, then you lock it out over head but can’t gather your feet. Finally you make it, as expected.

One more kilo.

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